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ANONS by Matt Kane
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And those appear that are hateful to me and mock me
Multitude #33
As If a Phantom Caress’d Me
As if a phantom caress’d me,
I thought I was not alone walking here by the shore;
But the one I thought was with me as now I walk by the shore, the
one I loved that caress’d me,
As I lean and look through the glimmering light, that one has
utterly disappear’d.
And those appear that are hateful to me and mock me.
—Walt Whitman
Multitudes are Seeded by Leaves of Grass.
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And those appear that are hateful to me and mock me
(Multitude #33)
I return with my soul to haunt their banks again
(Multitude #34)
when I rose at dawn
(Multitude #35)
eyes of the dead
(Multitude #36)
be patient and perfect till I come
(Multitude #37)
immortal reverberations
(Multitude #38)
To-day at twilight, hobbling
(Multitude #39)
As If a Phantom Caress’d Me
(Multitude #40)
do not doubt I am limitless
(Multitude #41)